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1990 Ditch Witch 5020

5020 Tractor with H550 Vibratory Plow! 1,350 horas.

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Descripción general:
1990 Ditch With 5020 Vibratory Plow:
-1,350 hours

Información adicional:
Seller States:
-Equipped with a vibratory plow and front counter weight.
-Previously a combo unit, which has had all trencher related parts removed.
-Plow does not show much wear, if any.
-Good starting and running Deutz Engine, 4-Wheel Drive, 4-Wheel Steering, Hydrostatic Creep Drive (transport and plow) shifted mechanically, plus 2 speed electronic high and low in each mechanical range, 6 way clean up dozer.
-Fuel gauge is not functioning and tachometer looks to be reading high.

NOT INCLUDED - A Backhoe Attachment to fit is available but not included.


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